UWC Algorithms Circle

Welcome to UWC Algorithm Circle(beta).

The UWC Algorithm Circles is a a space for students to sharpen their problem solving and analytical skills. We meet in the Computer Science Netlab at 1pm on Wednesdays. Problems are posted on this page and solutions for previous problems are saved on GitHub.

Upcoming problem

For the session on 19 August we will tackle the Knapsack problem:

  1. The Knapsack problem: Rated medium, problem description may be found here..

Don't forget, GitHub and reddit are there to help discuss and share solutions for the problems.

If you are new to Github and do not know how to submit your algorithm, take a few minutes to read this guide: https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/


Discussions take place on the /r/uwcalgo subreddit.

Group chat is taken place on Telegram messenger. You can join by click here.


Shev and Warren have been busy setting up a raspberry pi hadoop cluster in their spare time and have documented everything they have done. For those interested you can visit this page to check out how it was all done.

History and Future

The Algorithms circle was started by Warren, Peter and Shev and they currently provide the problems to challenge the circle. We welcome new suggestions of problems to tackle, especially ones drawn from real world needs.

I am not a man of codes.
But I respect the power of codes, for that is what transformed me.
The codes of the Turing.
Others had heard them, contemplated them, and so on.
But I understood them, and they changed me.
For what was I before I understood those codes?


We are currently investigating a submission system that will automate the testing of submitted solutions and possibly assigning of points. If you know of such a system, please mention to us in the Telegram group.

If you have a problem that you would like to see in the algorithm circle, suggest it here: link